When the snow and cold weather hit, there are a few key things to do to keep your home from suffering any weather-related damage. Here are ten winter maintenance to-dos for the interior and exterior of your home. Regular maintenance will save you from costly repairs when Spring arrives.
- Check your fireplace: Make sure your chimney is cleaned before the winter season. Keeping it clean can prevent a potential fire from occurring in your home.
- Clean your gutters: Clogged gutters can lead to exterior and interior wall damage, and foundation damage to your home.
- Prepare your winter storm kit: Make sure you have everything you’ll need before the forecast calls for a big storm. Gather shovels, ice scrapers, and pet-friendly ice melt. Also make sure you have fresh batteries in flashlights and gas for the generator.
- Clear your roof: Remove snow from the roof after snowstorms. A roof rake is the best tool to use. Do this as soon as possible after a snowstorm. This will prevent the snow from melting and re-freezing which can cause ice dams.
- Clear ice dams: If possible, carefully remove ice from your roof and gutters. Obviously if you have heat cables, you should turn them on.
- Clean out your entrway: Make room for coats, hats and gloves by clearing out any unneccesary items in your mudroom or entryway. Consider a boot tray to protect your floors.
- Use storm windows: Replace your current screen windows and doors with storm windows and doors. These will keep your home better insulated and will cut down on heating costs.
- Prevent frozen pipes: Disconnect hoses from outside faucets. Make sure that any pipes near exterior openings (windows or doors) are insulated. Insulate pipes — at least those by windows and doors, and in unheated areas of the home. If you will be away, be sure to keep your thermostat set to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Prevent draughts: Caulking your windows will help prevent cool air from entering your home, therefore, saving on your heating bill. Also check your weatherstripping on both windows and doors. Attach a door sweep to the bottom of your door to seal any gap under your door.
- Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Take proper precautions this season. Check your carbon monoxide detectors so they’ll work in an emergency.

Call 973-635-7900 if you need Monk’s to help with your home’s winter maintenance.